Ultimate Blogroll Functional Quick Fix

Ultimate Blogroll Functional Quick Fix

Having problems with Ultimate Blogroll not working properly on your website or blog? Well here’s is a functional quick fix I shared with the community on the WordPress.org forums.  If you are not comfortable or capable of editing a file directly through wordpress, then this is NOT going to work for you and this is only a temporary solution until the developer does something about the problem.

1) From your WordPress Dashbord, go to your Plugins -> Editor section.
2) Look on the upper-right hand corner of the page for a dropdown-list “Select plugin to edit:” which contains a list of your plugins.
3) Select the Ultimate Blogroll from the list.
4) On the right of the page, you will see “Plugin files”.
5) Locate the file “ultimate-blogroll/domain/Widget.php”.
6) Click on the file to load it in the editor.
7) Do a text search in your browser (CTRL-F in Firefox) and search for “More”. This will take you to the 2 offending lines of code:

$gui .= "<li><a href=\"".get_permalink(Mapper::getInstance(Mapper::Settings)->getConfig("permalink"))."\">".__("More", "ultimate-blogroll")."</a></li>"; 
$gui .= "<li><a href=\"".get_permalink(Mapper::getInstance(Mapper::Settings)->getConfig("permalink"))."#wp-add-your-site\">".__("Add link", "ultimate-blogroll")."</a></li>";

I’m really not sure what the purpose of the “More” link really is, so I removed it entirely. On the second “Add Link” line, here is what you should replace it with, making sure to change the section “your-link-page-here” to whatever your link page url is. Notice the single quotes and make sure you do the same.

8)$gui .= "<li><a href='/your-link-page-here/#wp-add-your-site'>Add Your Link</a></li>";
9) Save the page and that’s it! You’re done. Test it out and make sure it’s working, if not, go back in and edit the file according. I customized the anchor text “Add link” to “Add Your Link” for my own personal taste, you can modify as you wish.

10) That’s it! You link widget should be now functional.

Some things to keep in mind. If you change your link page destination for any reason, the widget will no longer work and you will have to follow the steps again to solve  the problem.

Good Luck!

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